Claire can’t believe it when her dream guy starts following her on Twitter. She never thought he noticed her, and suddenly he seems to understand her better than almost anyone.
But the Twitterverse can be a confusing place, especially when friends act differently online than they do in person. Things get even more complicated when Claire realizes she’s falling for someone else, the last person she ever would have expected….
Told in an innovative format combining tweets, emails, and blogs, Tweet Heart is a contemporary romantic comedy that will set your heart atwitter.
REVIEW: I will begin by saying that the format of Tweet Heart intrigued me when I first heard that it is a book where conversations are exchanged between the characters in the form of Tweets,emails,texts,blogs and so on. Plus,being a hopeless romantic myself,I desperately wanted to read the book. And trust me,I fell absolutely,totally and hopelessly in love with the book after having finished it.
Tweet Heart is one of the cutest reads of the year. Though the story matter has been used and abused through generations,does a book which speaks of the troubles of teenage love ever lose appeal with readers?! I don't think so. This book has made a direct entry into my heart and will forever remain in one of those little secured corners of the heart. I have to admit,Tweet Heart is my comfort read. I pick up the book whenever I am low or sad and it has never failed to bring a smile to my face!
I love the characters of Ben and Lottie! Claire and Will,though lovable protagonists,somehow failed to be as mush interesting as Lottie and Ben to me! Ben's blogposts are hilarious and often so true! Lottie,though quite a motor-mouth is someone who whom I could relate to and found extremely adorable. Will is the archetypal romantic hero. Claire,I found a little dull and diabetic sweet. However,all the characters with their various shades give the story that zing which makes it so beautiful.
Tweet Heart is a read for all seasons and I cant praise the book enough! Reading the book makes me want to go through my teenage years again and again...Tweet Heart is a great read and I recommend it to everyone! Grab a copy as soon as possible people!
MY RATING: 5/5 :)